What Makes It Tick: Star Wars X-Wing Part IV

I debated a lot about writing an article about list building because it’s a subject difficult to breach as it is largely based on preference and is always highly debatable. Any list I put together can be argued for or against and as such, suggesting lists to players is almost kind of a politically incorrect idea. Still, when I was a new player I found I lost a lot of my matches not because of what I did during the game, but the mess I created before the game while building my list. I’m going to focus more on general list building advice, things to consider, things to avoid and a few general lists that you always have to consider when building your own.

Getting Started With List Building
Naturally, your ability to build solid lists is going to be limited to the collection you have, so realistically speaking until you have collected a fair amount of ships and associated cards that come with them, it’s going to be difficult to build lists that are going to be competitive against players with a wider selection. Being competitive however isn’t about building really strong lists, but more about avoiding building weak ones and building counters to strong ones. What I’m referring to here is the concept of “people use what works” and as such, most X-Wing players are kind of predictable and so what you will be facing can sort of be predicted.

There are going to be three types of list you always have to be ready for, these lists come in many different forms, but they pose kind of general strategies that you always have to consider when building your own lists.

The Swarm
The swarm is typically done in Imperial lists, though these days it’s possible to face rebel swarms as well. The jist of the swarm is a list with a lot of, weaker ships, that when combined can create pretty significant firepower. They are in essence lists that rely on the statistical truth that the more often you roll shooting dice, the more likely you are going to succeed.

While considering building lists to face Swarms, don't overlook the importance of good asteroid placement.  Swarm lists depend highly on staying in formation and asteroids make that difficult.
While considering building lists to face Swarms, don’t overlook the importance of good asteroid placement. Swarm lists depend highly on staying in formation and asteroids make that difficult.

A very common form of this list is the Tie Swarm and when building any list you always have to consider “how will my list deal with a Tie Swarm”.

You have to imagine facing 8 Tie Fighters, coming down the center of the table, singling out one target and focusing all their firepower on that one target. Strictly speaking, with 8 ships shooting at a single target you are facing a minimum of 16 dice, broken down into 8 rolls which will yield an average of 8 hits, but you can expect divergence where you could end up with 10+ hits. Very few ships in the game can stand up to that kind of firepower.

Preparing to deal with swarms via list building is difficult, but the one strategy that you must always assume that you may need to employ when facing them is splitting up your squadron. In essence you want to make sure that your list can split up and still be effective and this should always be considered when building any list. If your list is less effective when it splits up, you are going to have a problem against swarms, so always make this assertion about what may need to happen when building your lists.

The Big Guns or Alpha Strike Lists
There are many forms of big gun lists, but in general a big gun list is one which there is a ship or ships, that can produce a lot of dice and or high odds of rolling hits (via re-rolls etc..) in a single round. In essence these lists are made for simply focusing on a target and taking it down in one shot. Very often these lists are built on a 360 degree firing arc, either because of the ship (like the Falcon for example) or because of the gear used. It’s not always the case but the point of the list is to get a target in range and roll lots of dice and do big damage in one shot.

Many ships like the YT-1300 can be turned into pretty efficient alpha strikers and can shoot at 360 degree's.  Dealing with them is not easy, but alpha strikers are usually point heavy so taking them out efficient can often yield you a quick win.  It's often an all the eggs in one basket situation.
Many ships like the YT-1300 can be turned into pretty efficient alpha strikers and can shoot at 360 degree’s. Dealing with them is not easy, but alpha strikers are usually point heavy so taking them out efficiently can often yield you a quick win. It’s often an all the eggs in one basket situation.

You MUST always assume you will face Alpha Strikers. Dealing with lists like this must be assumed when you are building your own. How will your list deal with big Alpha Strikers. The solution for Alpha Strikers is all about having the means in your list to circumvent or reduce dice odds. You want to have something in your list that will throw a wrench into someone’s plan, a ship, effect or equipment that will reduce the effectiveness of a ship that can alpha strike.

Some examples of that are pilots like Biggs Darklighter, who forces ships to target him, allowing you to control who get’s shot (controlling the range) or having something like R2-D2 fixing his shields can buy you the necessary time to counter an alpha striker. Other ways is just using straight maneuverability, staying out of the fire arcs of Alpha strikers. Ionization is another method, controlling an Alpha Strikers movement can be very effective. Countering it with your own Alpha Striker is another method.

Point here is that you have to assume that you will be facing pilots with a high pilot skill that can do a ton of damage in a single round and have a plan on how you are going to deal with that situation when it comes up. Any list not able to deal with Alpha strikers is a weak one.

Maneuverability Lists
The final type of list you will certainly face are lists built around insane maneuverability. There are many incredibly maneuverable ships like Tie Interceptors, A-Wings, E-Wings and many more that can when combined with different types of equipment and specialized pilots produce unpredictable and impossibly agile ships that will stay out of your range and firing arcs at their leisure. You have to assume you will face such lists and have a plan for how to deal with them. Any list that assumes that ships will simply fly in front of you to shoot at them is certain to see a lot of losses.

Ships like the Tie Interceptor are extremely agile and can be difficult to keep in firing arcs, but they are just Tie-Fighters as far as dice statistics go, one clean shot can take out a 25+ point unit.  Expose that fragility by forcing them into vulnerable positions by splitting up your forces and covering multiple angles.
Ships like the Tie Interceptor are extremely agile and can be difficult to keep in firing arcs, but they are just Tie-Fighters as far as dice statistics go, one clean shot can take out a 25+ point unit. Expose that fragility by forcing them into vulnerable positions by splitting up your forces and covering multiple angles.

The trick to dealing with agile lists is understanding that in most cases, agile ships give something up for that agility. For example Interceptors are incredibly agile, but fairly weak with only 3 hull, catch them once and they are dead. A-Wings are very agile but don’t have much firepower, so that agility while keeping them safe doesn’t offer much in the way of firepower threat. E-wings are very agile and have a lot of firepower but are very costly even for what you get.

The end result is typically agile lists, will have fewer ships and or less firepower, it’s the agile lists akiles heel. To put it simply, agile lists are best dealt with through focus fire and disruption of their advantage either through 360 firing arcs, using your own agile ships or Ionization. In particular ionization spells doom for most agile ships and the nice thing is that ionization based ships are generally dirt cheap.

For the most part however agile lists need to be dealt with on the field, there are things you can do to your build, but typically any list is capable of handling maneuverable lists through strategic positioning on the field, but you must assume you will face such lists and have a plan.

How I build Lists
Given the advice above let me tell you how I build lists, which, I will admit right out of the game is simply my preference. I make no vows or promises of success, but I find when I fly lists that play on my strengths in the game, I do better even if the lists themselves are not terribly strong.

I work on lists using a three step process.

First, I choose a single ship around which my fleet will rally. This is usually the ship that creates synergy or is somehow important to the strategy of the list, the gimmick of the list if you will. For example using a Han Shoots first, or a Vader Doom Shuttle, a stealthy Phantom or a synergy based B-Wing. Whatever the case may be, the point here is, that this ship, is what will define the strategy of the list.

One of my favorite new modification for X-Wing.   There are some great combinations this card can be used with to base lists on.
One of my favorite new modification for X-Wing. There are some great combinations this card can be used with to base lists on.

I find this easier to do because once the ship (or concept if you will) is chosen, what else belongs in the list becomes very obvious. You start seeing the combinations and possibilities more clearly and the list practically builds itself. Without this I feel kind of lost and find it more difficult to sort of construct a force that works together.

The second thing I do is called “fat trimming”. This takes a bit of experience but I will give you an example.

Let’s say I want to add a ship to a list for an Ionization effect and I chose something like Horton Slam which allows me to re-roll blanks at range 2-3, a good ship to have when using Ionization effects. But he costs 25 points + equipment. I will pose the question, how important is it that I have a high pilot skill and the re-roll effect for this list? Can I get away with a Gold Squadron pilot for 18 points instead? This will of course depend on the type of list I’m building, but the idea is to really question the necessity of having more expensive pilots for certain goals of the list. Sometimes it’s vital, sometimes, it’s not. Trimming what is not is important because every point counts and you want that fleet as lean as you can get it. You can often end up with sufficient points to add a whole separate ship when trimming the fat and more importantly come up with more efficient squadrons. I do the same thing with equipment, I question the necessity and most importantly the value of equipment for a particular ship. I make sure that every piece of gear I have is something that is absolutely vital to the ship and strategy. If it’s not, it gets cut or replaced.

The third and final step is what I call the maneuverability test. Every list I make, must have a natural flow to maneuverability. I think about deployment and consider how these ships will enter the game, what position they will be in and try a few different configurations.

I find that by doing this I often find places where more cuts (trimming) can be done and sometimes where I have trimmed too much. Consider that pilot skill defines when ships will move, when mixing different pilot skills the result can be that certain ships must move too soon, while others move too late in the sequence that will be your turn. I want my fleet to move in a natural expected way on my turn and often I find that if the sequence of events aren’t efficient, there is an awkwardness to a squadron that makes it difficult to pull of a strategy.

For example let’s say I’m using a Firespray combined with interceptors and the Firespray has tactical jammers on him. If the interceptors move first, it can be difficult for me to guesstimate the position of where the firespray will end up on his move. As such, I might find that, while less effective combat wise, a lower pilot skill on the firespray is preferable for him to accomplish his main task in the fleet (as an obstacle).

These little details are important, I really need that movement to happen in a comfortable sequence and often making the adjustment makes the ships cheaper, allowing me to create more synergy and effects in other ships, or adding a whole extra ship into the fleet.

Final Thoughts
List building is actually more complicated than the game itself when it comes to Star Wars X-Wing, in fact I would say most people lose games more often because of bad list building than they do because of how they actually play. This can be frustrating for new players, but if you really consider the types of lists you will be playing against, and have a strategy or method if you will for building lists that works for your style of play, you will eventually find that you can build a wide variety of effect lists with a wide range of ships.

Paul Reavers B-Wings where outgunned and out numbered, but yielded him the victory.  It wasn't the list, but the player's skill that played the biggest part of this win.  You have to make your own lists and learn to play them, the list alone will not be enough.
World Champion Paul Reavers B-Wings where outgunned and out numbered, but yielded him the victory. It wasn’t the list, but the player’s skill that played the biggest part of this win. You have to make your own lists and learn to play them, the list alone will not be enough.

In fact, my personal strategy of choosing a single ship to represent the core strategy of a list is a very effective method for me and I think can be for pretty much anyone. It gives you a solid start and foundation for creating a list, and makes building the rest of it more natural and almost obvious.

It’s important to get good at list building but I think it’s a bad habit to copy other lists. This is still a skill based game and simply taking a championship list is not going to be sufficient to help you win because it’s understanding and knowledge of how to run that list that makes a difference. Its far better to create lists that feels natural for your play style.

Fantasy Flight Games and Star Wars Perfection

Since Fantasy Flight Games took over the Star Wars license for making board, card, miniature and role-playing games, there can be only one thing said about it. Perfect. There is absolutely no doubt that across every platform they have produced not only the best version of a Star Wars game in that class be it Board, Card, Miniature or Role-playing games, but they have done it by such a wide margin I can’t even remember what we had before it.

Let’s go over the list shall we.

Star Wars Edge of The Empire Role-playing game
Up until I played Star Wars Edge of the Empire, role-playing in the Star Wars universe was always a frustration for me. Every system I tried from old West End Game version, to more modern D20 versions by Wizards of the Coast, nothing did the trick. These systems always failed miserably in some element of presenting the Star Wars universe. Some of the these version of Star Wars RPG’s managed to get some things right, like the Saga system’s combat system was not all together terrible but they fumbled other things like ship to ship combat or messed up balance between force and non-force users. There was always a problem.

Star Wars Edge of the Empire has grown to include a ton of material, but the truth is that the core book alone already makes this one of the best RPG's ever made
Star Wars Edge of the Empire has grown to include a ton of material, but the truth is that the core book alone already makes this one of the best RPG’s ever made

Then came Star Wars Edge of the Empire and what can I say about it other than not only is it hands down one of the best Star Wars role-playing games ever made, it may just be one of the best role-playing games in any genre ever made. It’s simply exquisite, it works on every level, it’s got depth where it’s needed, it’s streamlined, it handles every element of the Star Wars universe flawlessly, simply put, it just can’t be done any better. A++ to Fantasy Flight Games for finally making a Star Wars RPG we can actually play without frustration.

Star Wars Card Games
There have been many and frankly, they have been miserable failures across the board. There has never been a good Star Wars Card game until Fantasy Flight took over and not only did they produce Star Wars The Card game, a fantastic living card game but they gave us Empire vs. Rebels as a bonus.

images (1)
This catchy Star Wars Card Game is filled with a variety of depth and strategies, but it’s quick and painless to setup and play. More importantly FFG maintains it’s living card game strategy as opposed to the presumptuous and often over priced CCG style games.

Both are amazing games that represent the Star Wars universe in perfect splendor capturing its many nuances with style. More importantly I don’t see how it would be physically possible for the art to scream STAR WARS any louder, the game is worth buying just for the illustrations and collectors of Star Wars Memorabilia do just that. Awsome job, another A++ for both games.

Star Wars Board Games
Now I will say this, there have been some pretty awesome Star Wars board games in the past. Queen’s Gambit, Epic Duels, even Star Wars RISK was actually quite fantastic. When it comes to Board Games toping games like the elaborate Queen’s Gambit wasn’t going to be easy but as always Fantasy Flight Games was more than up to the task. It took a while but the result is Imperial Assault, a game I believe will be in the top 10 on board game geek within the next year or so, already debuting at number 37. Now this is a kind of cross over game, one could say it’s a miniatures game but the truth is that by those standards so would Queen’s Gambit be. The truth is that if you’re going to make a Star Wars game, it very clearly needs to have miniatures in it, it’s just part of the allure of that franchise and it needs.

Queen's Gambit is an as impressive to look at as it is fun to play, but unfortunately it's out of print and has become something of a collectors item making it very expensive to pick up these days.
Queen’s Gambit is an as impressive to look at as it is fun to play, but unfortunately it’s out of print and has become something of a collectors item making it very expensive to pick up these days.

That said Imperial Assault not only blows any Star Wars game that came before it out of the water, but it does so with style, balance and experience. It’s a fantastic game that offers immense amount of replay ability and I suspect like the Arkham Horror series, this one is going to see a ton of expansions.

Star Wars Miniatures
Without question Star Wars X-Wing is not only the most successful miniatures game in decades, but it may very well rise to be one of the most successful miniatures games of all time. It’s simple to learn impossible to master mechanics and infinite replayability made accessible by taking the work out of the hobby with pre-painted miniatures has paved it’s way with gold. It is hands down in my humble opinion one of the best products Fantasy Flight Games has produced to date and with each expansion they release the game is improved 10 fold. It just gets better and better and better with no end in sight. Now with a third faction released, the game has already immortalized its iconic status, if nothing is ever released for it again it would still be a near perfect game. To say I love it would be an understatement, if I was stuck on a desert island and was forced to choose a single form of entertainment to take with me, Star Wars X-Wing would unquestionably be that entertainment.

I will probably never stop praising Star Wars X-Wing, easily one of the best games ever made.
I will probably never stop praising Star Wars X-Wing, easily one of the best games ever made.

Star Wars Armada
So why should you be excited about Star Wars Armada? Well if it isn’t obvious already, Fantasy Flight Games kicks ass at making Star Wars games and Star Wars Armada is slated to be the biggest, most epic and most iconic Star Wars game to ever be made. If they succeed, they will have done more for the Star Wars franchise than the last three movies did.

Star Wars Armada is as ambitious as it is elaborate and expensive, it's going to have to be one hell of a game to get my money.
Star Wars Armada is as ambitious as it is elaborate and expensive, it’s going to have to be one hell of a game to get my money.

War on a massive scale with all the fittings of Star Wars X-Wing, but bigger and more elaborate. Now I don’t usually do hype, I believe very firmly that objectively speaking no matter how excited I get for something, I recognize the possibility that I will be terribly disappointed, but I can say that if Armada isn’t the crowning achievement of Star Wars based games coming out of Fantasy Flight Games, my disappointment will reach epic proportions. It has all the markings of an amazing game, designed and produced by an amazing company at a time when they are on a hot streak of perfection. It’s the perfect storm for success, but it may also be the perfect recipe for disaster. I reserve my opinion until I play it, but to say that we should be anything by hyper excited would be selling the potential short.

Fantasy Flight Games is an amazing company, they have done for gaming what Quentin Tarantino did for movies, they showed us that games can be awesome again, that the status quo can be changed and that it’s still possible to invent new things or take old things and make them new again. They have done an amazing job and they have earned every bit of praise for their accomplishments. For me personally if I’m looking for a new game my first stop is always Fantasy Flight Games official website, there are so many diamonds in their product line I feel like I should just mail them my credit card.

Lords of Waterdeep by Wizards of the Coast 2012

Designers: Peter Lee, Rodney Thompson

I really love it when American companies and American designers put Euro mechanics into their games because the result is usually the best of both worlds. You get the thematic fun factor of Ameritrash games and you get the cleverness of Euro style mechanics. Some of my most beloved games are blending’s of American and European design’s, for example Fantasy Flights Twilight Imperium 3rd edition. Lords of Waterdeep is also such a game, a worker placement game thick with Euro design but layered with the fantastic Dungeons and Dragons franchise from the Wizards of fantasy themselves.

In Lords of Waterdeep you take on the role of one of the many powerful lords in the city of splendors, vying for control of the city through dirty politics, economic exploits and back alley deals. While this theme is prevalent visually through the use of Intrigue and quest cards, like most worker placement games it’s a thin visual layer rather than a mechanical link to the games theme. Sure you’re a Lord of Waterdeep, you have a card that represents who you are tucked away throughout the game that has a special mission for you but at the end of it all it’s a game about scoring points through the management of resources. This game could have easily been done with pretty much any theme you can think of, D&D however was a very good choice as it’s visually pleasing and familiar to most gamers. As a D&D fan, it really did it for me.

To win the game you must score points and like Caylus where much of the design was borrowed there are quite a few ways to do this. It’s all about those little workers representing the very limited resource you have to work with. The player that manages them the best will win the game.

Each round players will place one of their workers on spots on the gameboard represented by different parts of the city. Each spots yields a resource of some sort or allows you to take some sort of action. Typically you earn different types of resource cubes that technically represent mercenaries you hire (Wizards, Fighters, Clerics etc..). Some spots earn you money, others allow you to draw or play intrigue cards. One of the spots gets you the all-important first player token that will give you first dibs on the board the following round, while others allow you to draw quest cards which when completed by turning in the required resources earn you points. You can also place your workers on the only construction spot which lets you add buildings to the board, those buildings become new spots for workers expanding the types of actions players can take in the future, but each time someone uses that spot the player who owns the building gets a reward which is typically more points or resources.

If this looks like a Euro game to you, it's because it very much is.
If this looks like a Euro game to you, it’s because it very much is.

The key to the game is completing quests. Quests come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes from mini quests that earn you 4 or 5 points, to mega quest that can earn you 25+ points. Each quest requires a different amount of resources to complete, so managing your workers to earn those resources, to fill your quests is the most critical way to earning points. However these quests once completed often give you new special powers as well that have lasting effects so there are other advantageous to be gained for completing quests aside from points.

Finally there are the intrigue cards which are a vital interaction between players and create a great deal of tension and sometimes outright hostility. It’s how you can impact the plans of other players and it’s very effective. Often playing a single intrigue card can prevent all of your opponents from completing a quest in any given round, so if used wisely, intrigue cards can lead you to victory.

Lords of Waterdeep takes a lot of its design from the classic worker placement game Caylus, having the same level of strategic depth, but with less complexity. This worker placement game is in fact so easy that you can setup and start playing without explaining the rules and simply learning to play on the run. That in itself makes Lords of Waterdeep a far superior game to the much more difficult to teach/learn Caylus. I think the most attractive element of Lords of Waterdeep is that it’s really tight, every decision you make, every round is a tough one, but the game (when no one is suffering from analysis paralysis) moves very quickly. It’s one of the few games I have ever played that says 60 minutes to play and the game can actually take 60 minutes, even in a five player game.

The theme is thin, but the art style does give you some sense of place.
The theme is thin, but the art style does give you some sense of place.

I think in terms of worker placement, Lords of Waterdeep is probably one of my favorites right now. It’s worth mentioning that while the base game is great, the expansion, Scoundrels of Skullport adds a tremendous level of depth to the game and really pushes this into the love it category for me. It’s really a must have. Scoundrels of Skullport adds new spots on the board, new buildings, new intrigue cards and new quests, but it also adds the new mechanic corruption. Corruption effectively allows players to take advantage of more powerful effects via buildings, worker placement spots and card (quest and intrigue), but using them earns you corruption which are worth minus points at the end of the game. The trick is that the more corruption there is in the city (the more players get them) the more minus points each corruption is worth. There are ways to give players corruption and get rid of your own. This creates yet another level of hostility and competition between the players, it really becomes a knife fight in a phone booth. It’s wonderful and any fan of Lords of Waterdeep should consider their game incomplete without the expansion, it’s that good.

2012 was really a great year for board gaming, we got Star Wars X-Wing, Descent 2nd edition, Robinson Crusoe, REX, Android Netrunner. It was just amazing and Lords of Waterdeep very deservingly should have it’s name mentioned in that list. It would easily make my top 10 of 2012 and if it wasn’t for that damned Star Wars X-Wing I would seriously be considering it for the number one spot, that is how much I like it.

Highly recommend, in particular if you’re a fan of Caylus, this game will easily replace that game for you. I’m not sure I would consider it a good game based on the theme alone though, it’s quite thin so for D&D fans who played other Peter Lee & Rodney Thompson from some of their previous D&D games you should know that the theme is quite thin. This is not so much a good D&D game as it is just a great worker placement game. It’s greatness is firmly in its mechanical design and the clever interaction between players. It’s a no brainer for me, this is a game that deserves previous shelf space.

What Makes It Tick: Star Wars X-Wing Part III

In this What Makes It Tick series on Star Wars X-Wing we have so far covered the absolute most basic elements of the game, but one of the questions that gets asked frequently in a collectable game like Star Wars X-Wing is “What Should I Buy First?” Or “What Order Should I Buy Things In”? So in this article I’m briefly going to talk about how to approach your collection and how to get the most bang for your buck.

We all live on a budget, this is the reality of life and so going out and spending a couple of thousand dollars on a massive X-Wing collection while a very attractive idea (aside from spending money of course) is outside of the realm of reality for most of us.

When approaching the game I think you really have to cater to both your budget and some basic aesthetic preferences. We could talk about the viability of Rebels vs. Imperials, and how that balances out and whether one is better than the other, but it’s a circular argument at best and one that probably would not get you any closer to deciding what you want to do. In the end, my recommendation is that you actually collect both Rebels and Imperials simultaneously. The reason is simple, understanding both sides is the only way to really understand the game fully and you can only reach that understanding by playing them both.

Each time you face an opponent running a list with ships that you only understand from reading about them rather than having played with them puts you at a major disadvantage, in particular early on when your just getting started. To really be on a level playing field in a match you need to have personal experience with the ships your flying against as well as the ones your actually flying.

The Core Set
The rule of thumb I think is to begin with two core sets and play plenty of lower point matches (75 points) with just X-Wings and Tie-Fighters, even going so far as practicing in solo games. This will help you get the rules of the game down and understand the two most fundamental and widely used ships in the game. X-Wings and Tie Fighters no matter what new things are released are always a solid staple of any list. These are the most stable and bang for your buck ships, you can never go wrong with putting either into a list.

Two core sets however is insufficient to really build a full 100 point list for either side. So you will need to supplement and again I suggest sticking with the core ships. I suggest your first expansion purchases to be 2 Tie Fighter expansions and 1 X-Wing expansion. This will allow you to create two very strong lists (and variations on that those two lists), one for the rebels and one for the Imperials. You will end up with 6 Tie Fighters and 3 X-Wings both of which make solid 100 point lists.

It's a nice idea, but it's not going to be cheap.
It’s a nice idea, but it’s not going to be cheap.

The First Round Of Expansions
Imperials collection tend to be more expensive to expand because you typically end up with more ships in any given list. There are however a couple of staples you can safely buy with confidence. Imperials list however tend to have less synergy than Rebel lists, so there is a measure of flexibility there.

Interceptors should be at the top of that list. They are one of the best ships in the game for Imperials, fast, maneuverable and while slightly more advanced to fly come with some very potent pilot powers. They will really introduce the fine art of movement far better than Tie Fighters and teach you more advanced tactics like flanking, using boosts and how to be effective at different ranges. More to the point however they complement Tie Fighter lists very well. I suggest buying them in pairs, you aren’t likely ever going to need more than 4, so buy 2 interceptor expansions initially and then pick up the Imperial Aces pack for the additional 2 interceptors. It’s not vital to get 4 right away, but getting the first two I would consider a necessary next step.

For the Rebels, you will tend to buy fewer ships and you will find when building lists you tend to build ships that work off each other rather than simply adding ships for individual solo powers.
Two me the two ships you absolutely need is 1 A Wing and 1 E-Wing. The most frustrating element of facing Imperial lists as a rebel is the speed and maneuverability of those lists and while Rebels are known more for their firepower and defense, the A-Wing and E-Wing are answers to the Interceptor and really good ones. You are unlikely to ever need more than one E-Wing but if you end up liking the A-Wings speed and maneuverability, rather than picking up a second A-Wing pick up the Rebel Aces pack to get that second A-Wing, which will simultaneously earn you a B-Wing (we’ll talk about that later). X, A and E wings combo really well, offer a wide range of strategies and are fun as hell to play.

Ships that can wait
For the Imperials the Tie Advanced while a great ship, requires considerable skill and is typically put in very unique higher challenge lists. It’s a ship you can buy when finances allow, but it doesn’t need to be a priority. Tie-Bombers fall into the same category, typically if you add a Tie-Bomber to the list, you’re going to end up creating a Tie-Bomber driven list, hence need more than one so they can wait for when you get more into the game and are ready to try out some new ships.

These are great ships from Wave 3, but they do come with an added learning curve so pace yourself.
These are great ships from Wave 3, but they do come with an added learning curve so pace yourself.

For the Rebels I would say the Y-Wing can wait as well as added B-Wings (you might already have one from the rebel aces pack). Again, they are a bit more difficult to use and complicate list building a great deal. The Hwk-290 falls into the same category, but the nice thing about the Hwk-290 is that you really aren’t likely to ever get more than one and it’s a fantastic support ship with a wide range of rolls it can play in your list, if you can afford it I would get this one first as it will introduce all sorts of new list potential.

Big Ships
I think without question the Falcon and Slave I should make your list as soon as you get the opportunity, though I would consider the Slave I a bigger priority than a Falcon. This is less about you getting the opportunity to use them in lists (though they are lots of fun), but more about the fact that opponents are very likely to field these regularly and they are tricky to deal with, so you need that experience to face them with confidence.

It's always tempting to get the latest and greatest, but these ships are quite advanced in terms of play style, again, pace yourself.  Learn the basics first.
It’s always tempting to get the latest and greatest, but these ships are quite advanced in terms of play style, again, pace yourself. Learn the basics first.

Adding big ships to your collection will reveal a whole new level of complexity to the game though, maneuvering larger ships and fitting them into lists requires a deeper understanding of the game and can be overwhelming if you do it too early. Everyone is eager to drop one on the table, but be smart and learn the core game with the smaller ships before you test the waters with these guys. The Lamda Shuttle falls into this category as well, though I consider this ship more a luxury than a necessity for the Imperials. Difficult to maneuver and very specialized this ship can be a big point sink without much pay out unless you really know what you’re doing.

The New Stuff
There is a lot of new stuff and it just keeps coming, as a player entering the game at this point you are going to likely see ships on lists with effects and tricks that will make it difficult to keep up with.

For the Imperials the two really influential ships that you will see hitting the table more and more these days are the Tie-Defender and the Tie-Phantom. Both of these ships really change things in terms of list building for the Imperials. In many ways, it allows Imperial players to build list that look more like Rebel lists than Imperial lists with a greater degree of synergy, the use of specialty mechanics like stealth and of course something most Imperial ships don’t have, shields. You also have other large ships like the Lamnda Shuttle that adds a lot of utility and the new Decimator which is basically floating firepower. All of these ships have added a whole new meta level to the game making it more complex, but simultaneously (in my humble opinion) more fun. Given the opportunity though as a new player I would be more focused on the basics than trying to find uses for these more difficult to use ships.

The rebels have ships like the B-Wing, E-Wing and Y-Wing, but these ships don’t really change how the rebel players plays the game, but rather allow them to create lists that focus their synergies on specific strategies, of which there are many, but they don’t really introduce new mechanics. E-wing are very much like interceptors, but considerably better, in fact one could say if built certain ways they are even more maneuverable. The big new addition to watch out for is the YT-2400, this ship has the best of all worlds, maneuverable, lots of firepower, good defense. It’s just all around a really good ship and incredibly flexible for list building. You also have the Z wing, which is kind of an oddity in the set, though it’s worth saying some world champion players use them for their list so they are not to be ignored. They are cheap ships for the Rebels, though not really an answer to Tie-Fighters, think of them as cheap X-Wings. If you’re going to get any, get at least 3 or 4, it’s typically not worth having only 1 or 2 in a list.

Finally there is a whole new faction and this will once again change a great deal in the game. The new faction is definitively not a good place to start, it’s the latest and greatest and as such assumes a lot about the skill level of the players picking them up.

Going Beyond The Basics
I think when you get to a point where you have a base collection going, you will get to a point where you start to connect the dots and what ships can do and what ships you want to buy is going to become second nature. I personally love ships like the B-Wing and A-Wing on the rebel side and on the Imperial side I’m partial to fielding the Tie-Defender as a staple ship for any sort of list I’m building. You will develop preferences like that over time as you gain experience. The thing to keep in mind is how many of any given ship you need. The point cost of ships typically dictates this and while you will see lists that break the sort of presumed standard like for example I don’t think there is any reason to have two falcons, but in fact duel falcons is not an entirely uncommon list to field. Suffice to say you never need more copies of a ship than points would allow, so there is no point in having 9 Tie-Fighters since you will only at absolute maximum field 8 and at that level you’re not making any choices, your effectively buying 8 Tie’s to field a very specific list. To me this is not really worth doing. For example with Tie Fighters, the 6 you end up with initially is actually enough, you’re not likely to field lists with more than that and even if you did you would know that only from experience of first learning to fly with 6.

Just keep point cost in mind when expanding your list.

In terms of needs and flexibility a staple a rebel collection might look like this.

2 A Wings – Priority
2 B Wings
1 E Wing – Priority
2 Y Wings
1 Falcon
3 X wings – Priority
1 Hwk-390
3-4 Z Wings (very optional)

For the Imperials a staple list might look like this.

6 Tie Fighters – Priority
4 Interceptors – Priority
3 Tie Bombers
1 Slave I – Priority
1 Lambda Shuttle
1 Defender
1 Phantom
1 Tie Advanced

Another thing I would suggest is that you continue a duel collection. It’s really a big advantage to have for the purposes of understanding the game and when you run a across a list that gives you problems you can examine it and run tests against it until you understand how to best deal with such a list.

Adding a third faction to the game is going to change things quite dramatically, but that doesn't mean you need to rush out and be the first one to buy them.  One can assume this faction has veteran players in mind.
Adding a third faction to the game is going to change things quite dramatically, but that doesn’t mean you need to rush out and be the first one to buy them. One can assume this faction has veteran players in mind.

I hope that was helpful advice for new comers, I’m certain there are going to be differences of opinion from experience players but to me the staple of the game, the foundation for learning to play it well is to field simple and efficient lists. The base way to learn that is to start with X-Wing and Tie-Fighters, fly them often until the game’s nuances become second nature. Learning how to fly other ships after that becomes much more natural and far easier, as those making hard decisions about what ships to expand your collection with.

What Makes It Tick: Star Wars X-Wing – Part II

Continuing on the basics of Star Wars X-Wing miniatures game, I thought I would focus this time on the intricacies of the combat mechanic, another thing I look back on my experience and say to myself, god I wish I knew that from day one.

The Dice
The X-Wing combat dice, red for attacks, green for defense, are no equal! Most gamers won’t spend too much time analyzing the dice of a game, but in the case of X-Wing it plays a pivotal, quite possibly the single most important piece of the puzzle in understanding what is and isn’t an advantage.


To put it in plain terms, if you have a ship with 3 attack dice, rolling against a ship with 3 defense dice, the defender is at a disadvantage. The reason is that by default 50% (2 hits and 2 crits) of the results on an attack die are hits, while only 37% (3 evades) of the results on a defense die are evades.

Duh! This is not everything there is to the puzzle. Going deeper into the mechanic you will note that most ships have the options of either evading, or focusing, which again, changes the odds, given things are equal (the same amount of dice) but the odds are still in the attackers favor. This is because an attack die with a focus token has 2 focus faces, so if you do the math, with 4 hits and 2 focuses on an 8 side, this means with focus you have a 75% chance of hitting.

The defense die however with a focus gets you to 66% (3 evades and 2 focuses faces on an 8 sided die). The advantage remains on the attack.

Now there is the evade action which effectively gives you 1 free success you can spend against one attack roll after you see the dice results. This however again, given things are equal (3 dice each) and assuming the attacker takes a focus while the defender takes an evade still leaves the attack at a slight advantage. In that, the attack also all but guaranteed to have at least 1 hit, so with the remaining two dice he has about an equal chance of getting as many hits as the defender can roll with 3 defense die at 37% percent.

I’m not going to get too deep into the statistics, but the point here is this. When playing X-Wing, the only good defense is an offense. Think of the green dice as a formality, to win you need to shoot and really what you want to do is shoot first.

Pilot Skill and Combat
This is where pilot skill really comes in. While movement takes place from lowest to highest skill which gives a small benefit to low skill pilots as they can effectively get in people’s way and cause overlaps, having a high pilot skill is everything because you shoot first.


Imagine a simple scenario. You have a low pilot skill X-Wing vs. a High Pilot X-Wing and let’s assume they are stationary. Since they are equal ships, simply facing each other, who will win? The player with the higher skill. The reason is that, shooting first will most likely result in a final round in which the higher pilot skill X-Wing will shoot and blow up the lower ship X-Wing before he gets a chance to shoot. Just ask Han Solo!

The final piece, shooting arcs
Since we know that the person shooting is at an advantage and shooting first exponentially increases that advantage, the end result is that the player who keeps his target in his sights and gets the most shots in a match is most likely to win the game. As such maneuverability of the ship and player skill in maneuvering his ships becomes really the defining final piece of the puzzle. Each piece is important, but only when they all come together is victory assured.

Combat in Star War X-Wing is a combination of working the statistical of the dice, really understanding what it means to roll X attack dice vs. Y defense dice. It comes down to pilot skill, a choice you make when you’re building your list. Finally maneuverability combined with smart player choices (player skill). For a novice player that is a lot to juggle at once, so where do you start?

The answer is you start with the things you can control.

We can control our understanding of the attack dice vs. the defense dice. Simply knowing that when you charging a Millennium Falcon and are about to roll an attack with 4 attack dice against his 1 defense dice that not only are you at a major advantage but likely to get 2-3 hit minimum will give you the confidence to make such a charge. You can almost ignore defense dice to a degree, they are statistically likely to fail their owner. So be aggressive, shoot, shoot and shoot.

You can control the pilot skill of the ships you field. It’s tempting to take low pilot skill pilots because they are cheap point wise and allow you to field more ships, but the reality is that you are far better off with 3 X-Wings with high pilot skill pilots in the cockpit than you are with 4 low pilot skill X-Wings. Rolling 9 dice and shooting first, is far better than rolling 12 dice and shooting last because you are likely to lose a ship before it gets too shoot, so you’ll be rolling 9 dice anyway.

Finally maneuverability, now this one is tougher to control and really tougher to make a determination. What is maneuverable, what are we comparing it to. Clearly Tie Fighters are more maneuverable than X-Wings, but when it comes to maneuverability typically this means having the ability to keep ships in your firing arc by making tight turns, doing 180’s and keeping your ship in a position to fire. With X-Wings you have maneuvers like the 180 degree turn, you have sharp turns. It’s a maneuverable ship for all intense and purposes. Not as maneuverable as some other ships, but more than sufficient to keep ships in your firing arc. Avoid slower, hard to maneuver ships when you first start playing X-Wing, get familiar with the X-Wings, A-Wings, Tie Fighters and Tie Interceptors first and avoid large ships like the falcon or Lambda shuttle until your more comfortable with the games nuances.

Now certainly there is a lot more to the game here, there are all sorts of ships and list with different variances and effects that can render some or all of these things like firepower and maneuverably useless, but again, we are talking about a starting strategy here. Something to base your starting plays at and giving yourself a fighting chance. As such, understand some of this information and apply it. Over time lights will start to turn on and you will gain the confidence needed to consider deeper levels of play.

I can tell you that when facing 3 X-Wings with high pilot skills and special effects, it doesn’t matter if you’re a new player or a veteran, that list is always strong and it is so because it filters through the most fundamental core elements of the game. It’s safe pick and you will win matches, in particular when facing opponents working without the basic information outlined in this article.

Dedicated To All Things Gaming